Ecklund Drive Thru Gates
You don’t throw the old gate away, if you want to close it at night or to work with the animals you certainly have your option, what you have is insurance that you have never left the gate open!
Your Ecklund Gate can be mounted on a portable post, a 2′ diameter base weighing about 60 lbs (an old truck rim for example). The gate can then be used where you need it, for twenty minutes or two years. The retail price is $457.00. The gate need not touch the side of the vehicle!! The gate are delivered by mail for approximately $65.00, and may be sent collect.

We will pay the freight on gate orders of 2 or more. Dealer price ($342.75) on orders of six or more. You pay freight.
We have sold over 30,000 thousand gates in the past thirty plus years including Japan, Sweden, Australia, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, U.K, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Saudia Arabia, U.S. and Canada. We encourage you to try yours today! Also show this information to your favorite agridealer and request them to stock it for you. Please find enclosed the brochure you requested. If you require any further information or to order please call (306) 696-3272 or preferred, email at .
There is a “Humourous” Installation/Demonstration video included with every gate.

- It need not touch the side of your pickup, so no scratches.
- It doesn’t wrap up in your 4WD tractor tires, so you can use it with all your vehicles.
- It is simple to mount and easily made portable because the gate is a single arm design.
- The gate is insulated from the post with special bushings and insulator back so there is no current loss, (it comes with lag bolts for installation).
- Your hot wire is bolted to the gate using the washers and nut provided.
- The 10 FT. body of gate is covered in rubber, it is soft to bump and Ecklund designed it to be electrically conductive so animals do not touch it! (After you train them to it of course.)
- The gate is adjustable from 10FT. to over 16 FT., this is longer than most gate panels.
- The adjustable extension is fiberglass, strong, flexible, yet makes no difference in the heat or cold. It is also electrically conductive so that animals do not touch it either!
- The tip is the handle, as a handle it is an insulator and designed to shed water, it is also soft and flexible to be the best tip.
- Ecklund guarantees the gate with a ‘no quibbling’ 3 year warranty on any breakage. So you rest easy with assurance the gate is well made, with over 30,000 sold in 30+ years of business.

Remember, that for under $500.00 you get an electric gate that you do not have to stop for, that need not touch the side of your pickup, that POP’s away from tractor lugs, locks shut in the wind, is adjustable to over 16 FT., easily made portable and is guaranteed 3 years against any breakage.